Your global guide to cannabis laws

Cannabis Laws in Malta

Fully Legalized for Adult Use?

Fully Legalized for Medical Use?

CBD only?


Disclaimer: This information is provided for general informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal requirements in Malta. recommends you consult with a qualified local attorney or legal expert for accurate and up-to-date information. This information is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Use of this information is at your own risk.

Does Malta have a recreational use program?

Although there are restrictions on possession, usage, and growing, cannabis is legal in Malta.

Adults can grow no more than four plants at home and possess up to seven grams of cannabis. It is still forbidden to smoke marijuana in public or front of minors, nevertheless.


Does Malta have a medical program?

Yes, medical cannabis is legal in Malta. The Maltese Parliament approved cannabis in 2018 for medical use, and in December 2021 it was approved for personal and recreational use as well.


What are the rules for medical use?

To obtain medicinal cannabis in Malta, one must see a physician who will prescribe non-smoking cannabis strains. Patients can get this through standard pharmacies.

A control card that has been authorized by the public health superintendent is given to patients.


What are the qualifying medical conditions for eligibility?

Three conditions were included in the law as qualifying for medical marijuana:

  • Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis
  • Adverse effects from chemotherapy
  • Chronic pain

What are the medical program limits?

Public dispensaries were not created under the law, but non-profit groups, often known as cannabis social clubs, are permitted to cultivate cannabis and share it with their members.

These social clubs are permitted in Malta to have a maximum of 500 members and to distribute up to seven grams daily per member, or fifty grams monthly. Members may also receive up to 20 seeds per month from the clubs.


What methods of use are permitted under the medical program?

The raw plant is available to patients; smoked forms are not.


Is there home delivery for medical cannabis?

Some websites provide patients with medical cannabis home delivery services.


Is CBD legal in Malta?

Yes, CBD is legal in Malta. Malta offers CBD, and the country is home to several CBD stores. 


Is cannabis decriminalized in Malta?

Yes, cannabis is decriminalized in Malta.  A punishment of €50 to €100 may be imposed if it is discovered that you are in public with 8 to 28 grams of cannabis on you.

Minors found in possession of cannabis will not be imprisoned; instead, they will be required to adhere to a “care plan” that is set by the government. Additionally, it is illegal to consume cannabis in public or in front of minors, who are those under the age of eighteen. 

Disclaimer: This information is provided for general informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal requirements in Malta. recommends you consult with a qualified local attorney or legal expert for accurate and up-to-date information. This information is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Use of this information is at your own risk.